
1. Reach out and touch something soft - Petting your animal companion can reduce your blood pressure and make you feel more relaxed.

2. Card it - When the commute home is really stressful, stop at a store that sells funny greeting cards. A few minutes spent laughing will not only give you a better perspective on things, it will give traffic a chance to lighten up.

3. Drink to stress - Visit [] for coffee mugs that say "Good morning! Let the stress begin!" What better reminder that you can see the funny side of stress if you choose to.

4. Sing in the shower (or the car, the elevator, the grocery store...) - Singing is a great way to relax and have some fun, which helps you recover from the negative effects of stress.

5. Shhh! -- Studies show that talking loud and/or fast can raise your blood pressure and make you feel panicked. You'll feel less stressed if you use your "inside voice."

6. Yuk it up with a funny friend - Funny friends can make you laugh; help you refocus on other, better parts of your life; and eventually teach you how to find the humor in your own life.

7. Go back to kindergarten - Spend some time with a kindergartner to get a few laughs (did you know they laugh about 400 times a day$%:).

8. Make lemonade - The next time you feel life's handed you lemons, really do make lemonade. Squeezing the lemons will help you squeeze some of your tension away, while it reminds you that with a little hard work (and some sugar), even the sour parts of life can be made delightful.

9. Redefine yourself - As long as you define yourself by how busy you are, you'll continue to be too busy and too stressed. Start your redefinition by going through your calendar right now and erasing at least one thing from this week's to do list.

10. Remember the words of Charles Swindell, who said, "I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you."

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